Meet Our Founding Director
Kim Hubert
Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Science Practitioner, Registered Counsellor.
Founding Director CEO, GradDipPosPsych(Distinction) GradCertPosPsych DipPosPsychWellbeing DipVocEd DipCouns MACA, IPPA, GKIHS.
Cert SAHMRI Be Well Plan (Former Trainer), VIA Strengths Practitioner (Dr. Ryan Neimic), Cert Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Dr Russ Harris) Cert Creating Positive Change (Dr Michelle McQuaid - Appreciative Inquiry), Cert Psychosocial Safety Leadership (Dr Michelle McQuaid). A Member of the International Positive Psychology Association, Australian Counselling Association and GK International Honour Society (CQ Uni Chapter).
As a social entrepreneur, neurodivergent woman, and lived experience Carer, Kim is passionate about helping people live, be, and do well. She leads innovative positive psychology wellbeing initiatives, including Fleurieu Wellbeing.
Fleurieu Wellbeing is a social enterprise that employs qualified professionals who live with a disability or chronic conditions or are lived-experience Carers. All of our mental health practitioners have significant experience ranging from 5 years to 38 years in the field and are expertly supervised by our in-house clinician in addition to external supervision by their respective associations.
Fleurieu Wellbeing responds to community wellbeing needs in the mental health sector, helping community members to live well in a chaotic and ever-changing social environment.
Our ethos aligns with the recovery model framework in Australia, which states the following;
“Recovery approaches are viewed by the consumer movement as an alternative to the medical model with its emphasis on pathology, deficits and dependency. There is no single description or definition of recovery, because recovery is different for everyone. However, central to all recovery paradigms are hope, self-determination, self-management, empowerment and advocacy. Also key is a person’s right to full inclusion and to a meaningful life of their own choosing ... (AHMAC, 2013, p. 17)
With the unwavering support of her business partner, her family, and a team of practitioners, Fleurieu Wellbeing has delivered thousands of person-centred positive psychology-informed supports through our services to people all over South Australia and the rural region of Fleurieu Peninsula since 2019.
Kim has 20 years of experience as a leading educator and writer of ASQA nationally recognised qualifications in the health and community sectors for TAFE and Registered Training Organisations. In 2016, she began her positive psychology and wellbeing education through TAFE SA and has designed and delivered tailored wellbeing programs for numerous individuals and organisations.
In 2016, Kim was a support staff member for the 5th Global Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Conference held in Adelaide, where the SA Government first pledged its support for improving the well-being of all South Australians.
In 2018, she represented Central Queensland University at the Big Idea Social Innovation Awards.
In 2019, Kim created Fleurieu Wellbeing Pty Ltd to serve the community and bring accessible services to the Fleurieu Region.
In 2022, she became a licensed Be Well Plan trainer of the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute’s first spin-off, Be Well Co.
And in 2024, Kim facilitated at the largest-ever Wellbeing Appreciative Inquiry Summit delivered by the McQuaid Group in Victoria.
She holds a graduate degree in Positive Psychology with distinction and is pursuing her Master’s at Central Queensland University.
Her diverse interests include evidence-based mental health and wellbeing for people living with disabilities, their families, and their Carers in the community, as well as midlife transitions and wellbeing.
You can find Kim on LinkedIn, and you can contact her directly via email at
AHMAC (Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council) 2013, A National Framework for Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Services: Guide for Practitioners and Providers,